Perhaps the Lord would cause you to dream about your family, city, neighborhood, and church in the same way. Perhaps he will give you pictures and images of what a community of passionate followers of Jesus could do in your context if they radically reoriented their lives around the gospel.
What are the pictures God is placing in your head?
Here are some of the pictures in my head:
- I picture "community groups" scattered throughout Rock Hill. Not so much Bible Studies, not necessarily small groups, not affinity groups or Sunday School classes, but people who are intentionally and purposefully sharing in community together. Sharing meals together, going to the park together, swapping babysitting nights, studying the Bible together, praying together, having fun together, and passionately engaging our city with the gospel together.
- I picture diversity. Black, white, Hispanic, and Asian. Young and old. People who have enough money and people who don't quite have enough. All of these people mixed together, learning from one another, committed to discipleship with one another. If the kingdom of God is going to be every tribe, tongue, and nation united to worship Jesus for eternity, why not have a little taste of that today through all the diverse types of people in our city?
- I picture a group of people who don't go to church, but rather are the church. I picture Sunday morning gatherings not being the "all in all." Instead we gather on Sundays to worship, encourage one another, study the Bible together, minister to one another, and to celebrate what God is doing in our city and then get back out there and join in our Father's work for another week.
- I picture lots of mission trips. Mission trips with our kids, our neighbors, and our co-workers coming with us. I picture God wrecking us for life by bursting our American bubbles on these cross-cultural experiences.
- I picture a group of people who give ridiculous amounts of money away. To the poor, to the unreached, to those in need. I picture us giving wisely and strategically to areas and people we are already giving ourselves to in relationship.
- I picture a group of people who will pay the cost to multiply all of this by planting more community groups and more churches. I picture our people, with tears in our eyes, giving away our best folks who we have built community with in order that they may plant new community groups and new churches.
I have more pictures in my head, but I will stop for now. But I bet God has some pictures for you too!